Generating your Certificate Signing Request Domino 8.5x
In the Domino Administration client, double-click on Server Certificate Administration.
- Choose "Create Key Ring."
- If prompted, enter a name and password for your key ring, then select a key size of 2048 bits.
- Your Distinguished Name information should be entered as follows:
Common Name: The fully-qualified domain name to which your certificate will be issued (e.g., or *
Organization: The full legal name of your company. If you are issuing the cert to an individual, the full legal name of that person.
Organizational Unit: If you belong to a sub-unit within your organization, enter that here (e.g., Marketing, IT, etc.).
City or Locality: Usually the city of your organization's main office, or a main office for your organization.
State or Province: Enter your state or province as above.
Country: (TR)
- When you click to continue, you should get a message that your key ring file has been created.
- At the next screen you will be able to choose to "Create Certificate Request" from your new key ring. Under method, choose to "Paste into form on CA's site."
- Copy and paste the CSR (including the BEGIN and END tags) into the online order form on E-Tugra online web page.