Anasayfa > SSL CERTIFICATES (EN) > CSR Creations > Others > Apache HTTP Server SSL Certificate CSR Creation

Apache HTTP Server SSL Certificate CSR Creation

SSL manage validation between browsers and servers.

Key should be created before CSR creations. Follow below steps.


1.      Firstly, open root directory. Write below commands to switch root directory.


·         cd  / etc / httpd / conf / 


2.      Romve old certificates and keys with below commands before start CSR creation.


·         rm ssl.key / server.key  rm ssl.crt / server.crt


3.      After that, enter your domain name that key created for it with “genkey” command.


·         genkey


4.      This command will open genkey interface.


5.      Where to store the key in the pop-up window is displayed first. Click “Next” button and go on.



6.      Next window, key size are listed. Choose appropriate one. (For example: 2048 (high security, medium speed)) and than click “Next” button.



7.      After the installation is complete, you are prompted to create the CSR file to the key. Click “Yes” button and begin CSR creation.


8.      Enter below information.


·         Country Name: Enter two-letter country code (e.g. TR)

·         State or Province Name: Enter your state or Province Name (this can be same with your City)

·         City or Locality: Enter your City (e.g. Ankara)

·         Organization Name: Enter your organization name (e.g. E-TUĞRA EBG Bilişim Tek. ve Hizm. A.Ş.)

·         Organizational Unit: Enter your organization unit (e.g. IT )


9.      Finally, click “Next” button and than click “Close” button to finish CSR creation.









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