Home > SSL CERTIFICATES (EN) > CSR Creations > Others > Novell ConsoleOne SSL Certificate CSR Creation

Novell ConsoleOne SSL Certificate CSR Creation

How to generate a CSR in Novell ConsoleOne Web Server

Before you begin, ensure that the following are installed to your ConsoleOne workstation:

  • ConsoleOne 1.3.6 or later
  • Certificate Server snapin Version 2 (2.23 Build 34 or higher)
  • Server NICI 2.6 or later.
  1. Run ConsoleOne.
  2. Inside the container of the server you are securing, create a new object. For the type of new object select 'NDSPKI:Key Material'.
  3. You will be asked to select the server that the certificate will be applied to.
  4. Select "Custom" for the creation type, then click next. When you are asked for the Certification Authority select "External Certificate Authority".
  5. When asked for the RSA Key size, accept the default size of 2048 bits and allow the private key to be exported. Hit "Next".
  6. Next, you will be allowed to edit the Certificate Parameters. You must change the "subject name" to reflect your organization and domain name details.

    Example of a "subject name": ".CN=www.YourDomain.com.OU=Accounting.O=Your CompanyInc.L=YourCity.S=YourState.C=TR"

    Be careful to follow the General CSR Creation Guidelines as you enter these details.

  7. Select to use the SHA1 algorithm.
  8. Click "Next", then "Finish". This will generate your CSR.
  9. Save the CSR in Base64 format to the system clipboard.
  10. Paste the entire CSR (including the BEGIN and END tags) into the E-Tugra order form, then select 'Novell Web Server' as your server platform.
  11. Remember the name that you choose for the certificate object. You will install the certificate file to the same object later.








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