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IBM Websphere SSL Certificate Installation

A pre-built .pem file should have been emailed to you when your certificate was issued. If you did not receive that file, you can download it inside your account by logging in, clicking the order number in the "My Orders" tab, and choosing the link to download "ALL CERTIFICATES (Zip File)."

If you did not receive, or are unable to locate that file, please refer to our instructions for creating an SSL .pem file.

  1. Start the Key Management Utility (iKeyman).
  2. Click on Key Database File and then Open. Locate the keystore file that you created when you generated the CSR. Type the password and click OK.

  3. Select Personal Certificates from the pull-down list.

  4. Click the button to Receive...

  5. Browse for the your_domain_name.pem file that you received from E-Tugra. Leave the Data type as "Base64-encoded ASCII". Click OK.
  6. Your certificates are now installed to your keystore file and you just need to configure your server to use the keystore file.








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