Home > SSL CERTIFICATES (EN) > CSR Creations > Microsoft Internet Information Services > Microsoft IIS 1.X to 4.X SSL Certificate CSR Creation

Microsoft IIS 1.X to 4.X SSL Certificate CSR Creation

1.    Run the Management Console.

2.    Expand the Internet Information Server, as well as the computer name you are securing.

3.    Right-click on the website you are securing, and select Properties.

4.    Open Directory Security.

5.    Under Secure Communications, click on Key Manager and 'Create New Key'.

6.    Select 'Put the request in a file...', and select a filename or accept the default.

7.    Fill in the required information with your company information.

8.    Click on Next until your are done, then click on Finish. Choose 'yes' when you are prompted about saving changes.

9.    Finally, open the CSR you created with a text editor such as notepad, and copy and paste the text (including the BEGIN and END tags) into the E-Tuğra online order form








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